Oteviraci hodiny dnes pro Cutlers

Zavreno dnes

Dnes uzavřený
  • Pondělí (dnes): Zavreno dnes
  • Úterý: Zavreno
  • Středa: Zavreno
  • Čtvrtek: Zavreno
  • Pátek: Zavreno
  • Sobota: Zavreno
  • Neděle: Zavreno


🕗 Cutlers Oteviraci doba v Belleknowes, 9011

9011 22 Pitcairn Street Belleknowes, nz
T: 03 467 7277, M: 027 436 2457, E: donald@cutlers.co.nz
Upravit udaje
Upravit polohu kurzoru na mape

Property ID: #2971538
Well presented 2x1 bedroom bungalow. Flat 1 offers open plan kitchen, dining and small living. The bathroom and laundry are combined with shower, vanity, washing and separate toilet. One double bedroom. Flat 2 offers open plan kitchen, dining and big living. Bathroom and laundry combined with shower, vanity, Toilet and washing machine. This is a great location to have an investment property. Both have been in long term tenancies, well located and positioned for the sun. Prior offers will be considered.


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