Oteviraci hodiny dnes pro Cutlers

Zavreno dnes

Dnes uzavřený
  • Pondělí: Zavreno
  • Úterý (dnes): Zavreno dnes
  • Středa: Zavreno
  • Čtvrtek: Zavreno
  • Pátek: Zavreno
  • Sobota: Zavreno
  • Neděle: Zavreno


🕗 Cutlers Oteviraci doba v Dunedin, 9010

9010 2 Holyrood Avenue Dunedin, nz
T: 03 467 7277, M: 027 435 0394, E: bob@cutlers.co.nz
Upravit udaje
Upravit polohu kurzoru na mape

Property ID: #2975144
When location is everything, this solid two bedroom, with potential to add another, is going to appeal right from the start!
Perfect for renovators, first home buyers or for an investor, your first visit will probably be your only chance.
Garage, OSP and looking great sitting on its sunny corner site, you are close to everything, including good schools and the bowling club.


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